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Hello World!


Hello World!

Hello World! Here we are. We are awakening your “better angels”. We are you, us, everyone, and we aim to get you moving. We are here to track and document the impact that the decisions of people with power have on carbon emissions and climate change. We are here to help CEOs, EC members and boards to turn their legacy into something positive – for people, planet and future generations, rather than yesterday’s forgotten profits.

Remember when an oil company paid a PR firm to develop a “carbon footprint” tracker that shifted the onus of responsibility for climate change from corporations to individuals? We’re seeking to counter with a platform that will investigate and highlight the specific GHG legacies of the corporations most responsible for the climate crisis, and the people behind them. As the corporate world has correctly identified: only bold, individual action can stem the tide of man-made climate change. But let the ball of action also be firmly placed in the court of those who, by virtue of their power and influence, can make maximum impact at scale.

We don’t aim to do this to accuse or scapegoat, but to awaken the “better angels” in the leaders of our industries and create a golden bridge by highlighting effective steps that can be taken to safeguard our planet for future generations, but also very practically – to safeguard the reputation and value of the companies they represent in the nearer term. We all know why – the impact of climate change is not a future problem, it’s already jeopardizing lives right now – but also, more pertinently, its economic consequences grow everyday. No matter our individual motivation, controlling our carbon emissions to slow down climate change is a moral, but also very pragmatic imperative.

We’re building a community of volunteer investigators with a specific focus on climate. Alongside this community, we’re developing a carbon tracker website that will spotlight individuals whose decisions are critical to climate change mitigation, and highlight what adaptive steps they can take to improve their GHG legacy today. It will be researched and maintained by a community of volunteers through open collaboration.

We’re just getting started, and are very actively brainstorming what this may become, but most importantly, we are starting to build a community. The many are strong, and we’ll need a lot of good ideas and creative, investigative minds to research and reach as many of the most influential companies and individuals as possible. We’re grateful for some wise words from a Bellingcat mentor “create the space, and good people will show up”- so here’s our space, now it’d be great to meet you.

To help get the project off the ground, we’ll need to have as much as possible experience in:

  • (Investigative) research and data analysis

  • Writing and journalism

  • Carbon tracking, life cycle analysis, Paris scopes 1/2/3

  • Website and platform development

  • Legal

  • Behavioural science and marketing

  • Social networks, community management, outreach

  • Or simply: enthusiasm and energy to do your part in safeguarding our future!


If you are excited, interested, curious – join our Discord Channel:

We are looking forward to welcome you on board!


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